Sony Entertainment Television is back with the 10th season of India’s biggest game show – Kaun Banega Crorepati. The show, once again, is hosted by India’s most versatile personality, Mr Amitabh Bachchan. The show has been on-air since 3rd September on SONY LIV . This season will have 30 episodes in total. The prize money for the winner is a whopping Rs 7 Crores.
This season is introducing augmented reality and has brought back the “Ask the Expert” lifeline. The set design is as always, very lively and interactive.
The season gives the opportunity of home based participation to its fans along with the Hotseat Contestant. Interested people can download the SONY LIV app to register themselves for the same. The prize money for the winners playing from home would be Rs 5 Lacs.
The audience can also participate in KBC Daily Jackpot Contest for which they can win Rs 1 Lacs daily. To participate in KBC Daily Jackpot Contest, click here –
If you are looking for opportunities in reality shows, you can apply for unlimited jobs and auditions here –